As Christians prayer is one of our most powerful tools. James 5:16 tells us that, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." So I am asking that you would please join with me and support me through your prayers. Please pray that:
December 2011 Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray that God would be glorified in everything I do.
2) Please pray that in the midst of a very full plate, God would
bring me peace and joy; like only God can give.
3) Please pray that God opens doors with the ministries and
organizations I have partnered with; that the work we are
doing will be fruitful and lives would be changed.
4) That Jesus would be seen in my life; that my testimony
would always be apparent in the way I live. And that God
would receive all the glory in it.
India Prayer Requests (July 2011):
1) Please pray that God provides open doors. We have desire to visit Mumbai next week (3rd week of July). We want to visit Bombay Teen Challenge and maybe a couple other ministries as well, but we need God to open doors and provide in a few very direct ways:
a. Please pray that God opens doors and provides transportation for us
b. Pray that God would provide convenient housing
c. Right now it looks like we can only visit Bombay Teen Challenge for one day. Please pray that God opens doors and provides a way for us to spend more than just one day with this incredible ministry.
2) Also, Mumbai was hit by three terrorist attacks in 20 minutes on July 13th. So please pray that what Satan meant for evil that God would use for good.
a. Please pray as well that even in all this, that our plans for our trip to Mumbai would not be hindered, but that they would succeed. And that we would see break through and provision even in this turn of events. It seems that Satan has tried to stop our plans for this trio at every turn. Please pray that God would provide and open doors; that He would be glorified and that we would win the victory in the battle over our trip to Mumbai.
· Our team is still in need of some financial support. So please pray that God would continue to provide for the members of our team who are still working on raising enough support for the outreach portion of the DTS.
· One of the members of our outreach team to Ireland still needs a visa in order to get into Ireland. She has applied for it, but it still has not arrived. So please pray that it comes in time, so that she can come to Ireland with the team and will not have to be delayed.
· Please pray for God’s protection and provision while we are in Ireland.
· Please pray that God would move mightily during our outreach in Ireland, that we would see His glory and His power revealed and that His kingdom will be multiplied.
· Right now a big thing I need prayer for is for safety and provision throughout my trip. Both to Wiler Switzerland, and all throughout the 6 months that I will be traveling overseas; 3 months of training in Switzerlnad, then time in Amsterdam, and then 3 months on the mission field in Africa or Asia.
· Please pray that (especially during my two days of traveling to Switzerland by myself) God would give me safe travels, that He would send people that will be able to help me and answer questions, and that I would arrive in Wiler Switzerland without having encountered any complications along the way.
· Even pray that I would be able to fully enjoy the two days of travel and that I would not be overcome with anxiety about traveling alone in a different country but that God would give me peace so that I can fully enjoy the opportunity and bring God glory in it.
· Pray that my trip would go smoothly and that God would give me peace, protection, and provision throughout my travels but especially during my trip to Wiler.
· Pray that even now, before I leave for missions in Switzerland and in other parts of the world that God would be preparing my heart for the things I will see and for the people I will meet.
· Pray that God would even now be granting me with special grace for the ministry I will be embarking upon.
· Pray that God would give me words to speak and that He would use me as an instrument to declare His gospel and his kingdom; pray that I would be filled with God’s power and spirit to do the work of His kingdom.
· Pray that God would reveal Himself to me in a very personal and powerful way while I am gone.
· Pray that God would reveal His will for the next step in my life while I am gone for the six months of the training program.
· Pray that God would open doors and grant myself and the ministry team with favor during our time on the mission field.
· Pray that I would see miracles happen; that I would see the power of God, that people will be healed, will be set free, and will know the love and saving grace of God in a personal way. Pray that people will come to Christ.
· God said we would do those things which He Himself did on earth and even great things; please pray that this would be true for me and that God would use me as His hands and feet; as His vessel.
· Pray that God will keep us safe (myself and the team). That as we will be in red light districts and working with trafficked victims, as we enter in to dangerous and dark places that God’s light would shine through us and that no harm would come to us.
· Please pray that all of us who are attending the YWAM Discipleship training School would unify as a team. Those cultural differences would not divide us but that they would make us stronger and enable us to grow.
· Pray that during this trip God will open my eyes and that I would be able to understand more fully who He is because of the various people and cultures I will encounter along the way; that I will see a more full picture of the heart of God.
· Pray that my passion to be used by God and my passion for missions will grow and thrive during the six months of training and ministry.
· Please pray that God is and would be equipping me for spiritual warfare that I am sure to encounter throughout the six months. That I would remember the truth of God’s word, that Jesus Christ has already won the victory so there is nothing to fear, that Satan flees at the name of Jesus Christ.
· Pray that I would be strengthened by this opportunity to enter into ministry and that through this opportunity God would show me the next step in the direction He is calling me.
· And please pray that I would not struggle with homesickness but that my heart would rest in God and that I would be at home with His people no matter where in the world I am.
· That God would reveal Himself to me now and during the six month training process, in a special way, that His call on my life would become even clearer and stronger to me.
Thank you for joining with me in this, thank you so much for your prayer support! Prayer does indeed make a powerful difference. What a blessing it is that we can come together as the body of Christ and know that we can join together and strengthen each other in this way.