I have been accepted into the justice focused Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth with a Mission (YWAM). In this training program I will be taught about various issues of injustice worldwide; issues such as forced prostitution, bonded labor, child sex trafficking, slavery, illegal detainment, false imprisonment, corrupt governmental structures, child soldiers, starvation, and more. The school is in Wiler (pronounced Vee-lir) Switzerland. The first three months will be spent in training and the last three months will be spent out in the mission field. With the training I receive I hope to enter into even longer term missions in the future. Being accepted into the DTS program has been an answer to prayer. God laid this area of ministry on my heart, He has given me a passion to bring the light, truth, and hope of God’s word into the lives of children victimized by sex trafficking. This is my passion and now God has opened the door for me to step out in faith, onto the mission field.
This DTS will run from 16 January - 2 July 2011 - including 3 months' cross-cultural outreach. In the past outreach teams have gone to north Africa, Ethiopia, Colombia and to the Himalaya region. The outreach destinations for this school will be established after the school begins. http://www.jmem.ch/justice-dts/
The Bible, all the way through the Old Testament - and the New - makes it clear that it is VERY important to God how the vulnerable ones in the world are “handled”. We want to look especially at what He says about that in the Bible and also look at ways and means and places in our world in which we can ACT. We don’t want to passively sit by and see Human Trafficking happening, to ignore the plight of children being exploited – be it through pornography, prostitution or cheap labor – and so on. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, 20 to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." We believe that commission is for all Christians and includes every area of life. In this school we are focusing on areas of vulnerability and need in the world. While we recognize that not everyone is called to go to a nation/culture vastly different to his/her own, we still want to see each student who completes this DTS be a bit better equipped to be able to live out this calling which Jesus has given us -- wherever in the world he/she is called and to whatever area of society.
Wiler Switzerland