Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Update 2: A Learning Experience

        God has been teaching me so much through this whole process of having to rely completely on Him to provide for every need as I prepare for my departure on January 14th.  Some exciting things have taken place.  I have been so blessed by people’s willingness to give and humbled when I hear their stories.  I have had people give who were under the threat of losing their job and gave in faith any way.  There have been people who have come to me and told me that God told them to give me an amount that was very specific and they were just trusting that God would provide the money for them to give before I left and then the money was provided within weeks rather than months.  I have had individuals in the military and stationed overseas in a war zone sending support.  I have received anonymous gifts of needed items that were exactly what I needed even though I had told no one; God used someone to provide exactly what I needed.  I have also received many words of encouragement, love, and support.  I have been so overwhelmed by the faith of the body of Christ and humbled by your support. 

        Since being given the opportunity to go onto the mission filed I have been given the opportunity to speak to groups at my church on a couple of occasions and I have also been
given the opportunity to be interviewed on the radio.  During the radio program I was able to raise awareness about the issue of sex trafficking and I was also able to share a little bit about my story and the work that God is doing in my life.  So I pray that God was glorified in that.  Also, because of the opportunities I have been given to speak, I have been able to talk to people and hear their stories, build relationships in a way that I never would have experienced otherwise.  God is awesome and He is using all of your support to bless me beyond measure.  Thank you so much for being faithful to the leading God places on your heart.  The faith people have shown in giving of their prayer and support has taught me so much about the body of Christ and of God’s heart for His people.  Thank you for your sacrifice, faith, and for the blessing you have been to me. 

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