During the first few months of support raising I was so exuberant about the good work that God was doing and overwhelmed by His faithfulness as support came flooding in. Then in the past month and a half though I was still excited I was also becoming overwhelmed with making preparations to leave. My prayer became a request for God to remove any and all stress over travel details and that instead He would fill me with joy and complete peace. As I began to sense that God was indeed answering that prayer, I began to petition Him yet again. This time along with my prayer for peace I prayed that God would give me a renewal of vision or a restating of the call He has placed on my life; a refreshed understanding of His will for my life. I don’t know why this was such a great desire of mine, I guess it went along with desiring to have a sense of peace in my departure. I wanted something, a word, to hang on to and to have as a reminder when things got tough. So during the Christmas Eve service at Restoration church, during communion I was praying towards this end yet again. As I prayed I sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit in a sweet way. I asked that he would answer my prayer and give me a word but at that point I had to go stand in line for communion. When I got back to my seat I was disappointed because I felt that I had missed my opportunity to hear God; as if God’s timing or desires could actually be interrupted by me. Then as I bowed my head yet again in prayer, He spoke. He simply said, “love people for me Bethany”. That was it; He called me by name and spoke that simple word. Yet even as the sweetness of His words poured over me I realized the depth and seriousness of it. In order to walk in obedience to this word, this call, I am required to lay down my life, to give of myself. Still there are not words to describe how sweet it is when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords whispers your name and simply asks you to love. I was comforted beyond measure. In those five words God was reassuring me. No matter how big a task he places before me, no matter where in the world He takes me, no matter how many complications may arise or how many details threaten to overwhelm me, God is God. He loves me so dearly, He knows me by name, and at the heart of His call on my life is His call simply to love; to give of myself in the same way that He gave of himself for me. God has called me to love people; He has called me to a specific time and a specific place to love people for Jesus.
In 9 days I will be heading off to Wiler Switzerland. I have no idea what God has in store for me there but I do know that while I am there I am to love people, whatever people God brings my way. God has called me in this way to lay down my life. And I am going to Wiler to learn more about what it means to love well, I will be learning how to best love the people God has placed on my heart; victims of human trafficking. I may not know how to love these people well on my own accord but by God’s grace, I pray that He will be able to love them well through me. I know that the journey God is taking me on will not be easy but I do know that His power will be made perfect in my weakness. And in my obedience to His word I trust that I will bring Him glory and joy and in turn His glory and joy will bring me joy. Thus my prayers have been answered.
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